Monday, 22 November 2010

Shared Responsibility

Rigorous thinking in order to reach out to explanations for what have led us to live in the present terrible conditions made me ponder why we treat a shared responsibility as one man's burden. What I mean by this is what is known by many though we tend to be ignorant to the reality, but closing our eyes does not hide the actual facts.
Ours is a society where students struggle more on acquisition of grades by running after the teachers than on attaining the grades by enlarging their knowledge through hard work and honing their inherent skills; where even the people at lower ranks come daily to their job, accomplish hardly 1/4th of their duty but want to be paid for time leisurely spent sitting late hours; where officers put the actual work files pending for the next day and their biggest pastime is found to be Facebook, according to a recent report published by the Times of India.
There are many more things that need to be highlighted but the basic purpose of pointing out these examples is to get answers for queries that need to be answered by each Pakistani. What gives us the right to criticise the government when we ourselves contribute not even a single moment or thought to doing something for Pakistan? Whether you are a student, teacher, administrator, bureaucrat, politician or sweeper, if you reside in this country then you have some duties and responsibilities towards it but have you ever accomplished a single one of those? It is easy to put the burden on or point fingers and blame a single person bearing an authoritative position, but we need to look at ourselves first.
Developed countries have not achieved glory with the mere efforts of their leaders. Only the masses have the capacity to mould their future. It is time that we should rise up and say 'enough is enough' and hold the flag of 'we need change' in our hands.

Published in:

Pak Tribune:

Daily Times: